Lexi Smith
Lead Biscuit Maker, CEO
Lexi has been making biscuits since practically the day she was born. After developing her signature 4-paw style of making biscuits, her family encouraged her to follow her dream of making biscuits professionally. After years as an amateur, she opened Beanpaw Biscuit Co. in March of 2020 and was welcomed into the local foodie community with open arms. In the years since, her sumptious biscuits have been praised by critics worldwide, and has earned an astounding 4 Michelin stars for her efforts in the kitchen. Lexi's hobbies include snugs and naps.

Archie Smith
Associate Biscuit Maker
Lexi's older brother Archie is a true powerhouse in the kitchen. While his sisters prefer a delicate approach to biscuit-making, Archie uses an aggressive large-paw technique to churn out biscuits at lightning speed. In his spare time, Archie has enjoyed a celebrated career in amateur entomology. His passion for finding and collecting bugs is only outweighed by his passion for biscuit-making. Next time you come by, peek into the kitchen and say Hi to Archie, he'd love to see you.

Apprentice Biscuit Maker
Earthworm is the newest biscuit maker of the bunch, and while her technique (and hygiene) are still works-in-progress, she shows immense promise and we can't wait to see how she progresses! Earthworm embraces all things goblincore and above all she enjoys taking long naps in any available blankie.

Ru Smith
Regulatory Compliance Officer, Quality Control
Ru may not be the loudest personality in our company, but we couldn't possibly function without her! Ru is dedicated to keeping us all in line with her tireless attention to detail. She insists on running a clean ship here at Beanpaw Biscuit Co. and we are so grateful for her. However, although she'd never admit it, she has a bit of a rebellious streak: her biggest hobby outside of work is annoying Frances as often as possible.

Phyllis Brumbaugh
Phyllis is our resident "cranky old lady." She prefers to be far away from the hustle and bustle of the kitchen in her own office where it's nice and quiet with no distractions. Her favorite food is Tiny Tiger salmon flavor but her true love is snacks - especially meaty sticks! Despite being behind the scenes, Phyllis is still a loving member of our family and has many nicknames, including but not limited to "Philly," "Philadelphia Cheesesteak," and of couse, "Philadelphia Cheesecake."

Franny Brumbaugh-Smith
Franny is the newest member of our team, and while she doesn't make any biscuits, she does provide a crucial role to our company. Ever vigilant with keen eyesight and an impeccable sense of smell, Franny can see/hear/smell a threat coming from a mile away. She dispatches any threat immediately with one of her vicious borks, or she might even annoy them with a dreaded whistle bork. Franny's hobbies include chewing on things and stealing biscuits off the counter.